Friday, November 25, 2011

Colt can rake!

Ken & Suzi took us to visit Grandma & Grandpa this weekend. The have a big grass patch in their backyard and it is really fun to run around in. This time, there were a lot of leaves on the ground. While I just thought it was fun to run in them, Colt wanted to help clean them up.  He's so silly.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Holy Pupperoni! 

So much has changed and so little has been updated! Give us a few days and we'll get back on track and out of the dog house!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!

This last picture is with Auntie Kelly. She likes to take pictures of me.
we had lots of fun!

Monday, January 10, 2011


suz is not so happy with me when she came home today.
i was really bored.

Friday, January 7, 2011

i iz a cat?

those cats are wearing off on me, i think. the top of the couch really is a
comfortable place to lay. now i lay on top of the Suz.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

got lost in those lazy dayz...

sorry we've been gone for so long... lots of new stuff is going on in the house. Suz got a new job, we're moving to a townhouse that has a yard, there was christmas, and thanksgiving and lots of traveling.... let's see where to start....

September - I learned how to swim in a pool. My friend Folly-dog came to visit for a little while and we went to the dog park. Suzi visited her friend's apple orchard and then made me the most yummy apple treats!

October - VERY busy for everyone. We visited Harpers Ferry and went hiking. Then we went camping at Sky Meadow, and that was really fun. For halloween, i dressed up like a bee. We went to a dog expo and met a lot of other dogs. I didn't win the costume contest though. Apparently little dogs dressed like bumblebees are way cuter then big ones like me. There's always next year, right? I also spent some time with my friend Roxy-dog while Suz and K went to a few weddings.

November - I got to travel! We went to Massachusetts and met one of my grandmas! There I got to meet my cousins, Sam, Molly, Amelia, and Faith. It was so fun to play with them. Then we went to Alabama for Thanksgiving. We went through what Suz called the Great Smoky Mountains. I got to ride around with my nose out the window, i loved it. Then in Alabama, i met my other grandparents and played in their backyard, which was wicked awesome.

December - Suz had been saying she was excited for this stuff called snow... well, it snowed, and it was awesome! I got lots of presents for Christmas. Then we visited Suz's friends in Maryland and played in the yard.