Wednesday, August 25, 2010

goose poop; nom, nom, nom?

Suz, K and I went for a walk yesterday. I love when they take me on long walks or hikes in the woods. The track we do is about 1.5 miles with a quick walk through our apartment complex, then down a street, past a pond (which I got to go in last night, well, I don't know that I was SUPPOSED to go in, but I went in), through some bushes, then to another parking lot to a field where we get to play with a ball or something that Suz or K brings, and then we start our trek home.

Last night, when we went to the field, it seemed like there were treats, ALL OVER. There were these black, green and white little tube like treats all over that field... and obviously I started to eat them, I mean, weren't they there for me to eat? K said No, and then told me to "leave it alone", and then told me we'd have to leave the field if I didn't stop... but I was so confused! Why would they put these yummy treats out if I wasn't supposed to eat them. And then Suz, well, she seems really mad. She kept yelling my name, and while it did distract me a little bit, I kept on eating those yummy treats!

We left quite soon after that... I guess they were done playing.  I still don't get why they would put out those treats if I wasn't supposed to eat them.... All I know is, I hope I get to back there tomorrow!!!

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